July 3, 2008

Bed sore and diabetic foot

bed sore of a diabetes patient

World wide, is the population of older citizen rapidly increasing. This creates a whole rage of health problems directly related to aging. While the Health Science has developed into a more sophisticated, apparatuses oriented level of patient care, some of the basic knowledge’s of nursing has seemingly drifted in the background in the daily care of bed ridden patients.
As a result, do many patients not receive the required attention and care to prevent one of the most crininal nursing neglects = BED SORE.

Unfortunately, do many teaching institutes not pay enough attention to the aspect of development and prevention of bed sore, to the extend that many nurses believe that development of bed sores is “normal and unavoidable”. Few do understand that the development of bed sore is a neglect of patient care, and can be a criminal case.

In many countries this is becoming a source of worry and concern as criminal proceedings are not just causing a serious damage to the good image of competence of an Institute, but are also costing hugh sums of money in compensation and legal fees. Nurses can also be held personally responsible and eventually loose their licenses.

Bed sore’s is at least in 85% of all cases preventable.
However to be able to prevent the development of bed sore one needs to have a comprehensive knowledge of the actual causes and circumstances that lead to the development of bed sores.

For treatment and management of bedsore/presure sore or
Home Nursing Provider
006 03-78777202

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