October 29, 2008

Dehydration and illness in elderly persons

Dehydration and illness in elderly persons

The problem of dehydration is in general not receiving the attention that is deserves.
Approximately 70% to 75 % of our body mass consists of liquid. The reduction of 5% can cause problems and above 10% can lead to a life threatening situation. The Emergency Rooms of Hospitals are meeting this issue day by day. But ones the patient is discharged to home little attention is given to the original cause of the hospitalization, which is dehydration.
Most people are not aware of what is the correct amount of liquid a person should consume a day.
That is because there is no "correct amount" that would apply to all individuals equally.
The amount could vary from between 1 ½ liters to 6 liters in 24 hours depending on the individual and his/her special circumstance.

Factors that influence the need of liquid are;
Physical size
Physical activity
Exposure to temperature
Health condition, such as fever
Medication (diuretics)
Intestinal infection with diarrhea
Endocrinological conditions such as diabetes
And other factors.

To know if a person has the correct amount of liquid consumed is when the urine has a color close to fresh pressed lime water. However most people will be far away from the ideal condition inviting long term consequences; such as
Kidney stones
Wrinkles in the face (There is no cream that can substitute the water)
Cardiovascular problems
And many others………

Elderly people have a less significant feeling of thirst and hence tend to drink less. This can be easily compensated in that they have fresh fruits at their reach ready for consumption. Fruit juices are also more palatable to the elderly. Nutrients with added water such as porridge, jellys etc. are helpful to prevent dehydration. Liquid should be in such a place to be easily senn and available to the elderly.

If you have questions about care taking of elderly,

Home Nursing Providers 006 03 78777202

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