July 5, 2009

Oxygen therapy and supply easy available in Malaysia

Oxigen if used according to doctors advise and prescription is one form of therapy.
By Yakob Abdul Rahman W.Scholer

Perhaps hardly any form of therapy is as little known as that of oxygenation. Most persons relate to the use of oxygen in relationship to the severity of an illness. Litle has come to the understanding of the general public about the various applications of oxygen for different ailments.
Oxygen may be classified as an element, a gas, and a drug. Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen at concentrations greater than that in room air to treat or prevent stationary, portable, or ambulatory. Oxygen can be administered by nasal cannula or mask,
Oxygen is an essential element that is present in the air we breathe. Each of us has experienced the burning sensation in our chest and muscles that comes from physical exertion. This occurs because we have not provided working tissues the necessary supply of oxygen to fuel the cellular machinery that produces energy. Oxygen is also an important component in our body's defense system against many forms of disease. Conventional western medicine uses oxygen in its gaseous form to help treat many patients who suffer from pulmonary (lung) disease, infections, those who require surgery, and many others.
Among the diseases which kill many millions of people world wide are lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma, sarcoidosis, pulmonary hypertension, influenza, and pulmonary
At the point where an individual can no longer maintain a blood saturation level of 90% or greater, the physician will prescribe oxygen. The normal level is 95-97%; below 90% is called hypoxemia. Some insurance companies will cover oxygen therapy if the SP02 (Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen) is as low as 88%, others at 90%. One's physician will make the decision, as a prescription is required to receive oxygen.
The status of oxygen saturation can be established in a simple procedure with an oxymeter attached to a finger, toe or earlap. The reading is almost instant and indicated if the patient has a need of additional oxygen supply.
Normal results
A normal result is a patient that demonstrates adequate oxygenation through pulse oximetry, blood gas tests, and clinical observation. Signs and symptoms of inadequate oxygenation include cyanosis, drowsiness, confusion, restlessness, anxiety, or slow, shallow, difficult, or irregular breathing. Patients with obstructive airway disease may exhibit "aerophagia" (air hunger) as they work to pull air into the lungs. In cases of carbon monoxide inhalation, the oxygen saturation can be falsely elevated
To enable the patients in Malaysia needing oxygen to have easy and quick access to medical oxygen supply in their home environment, HNP-Home Nursing Providers has gone in cooperation with MOX-Linde.
This is to ensure that patients at any time day or night can have access to medical oxygen without much administrative procedures. Many people are not aware of the difference between ‘normal=commercial’ or medical oxygen. Medical oxygen provides the guaranty that it is free of any impurities that might be harmful to the recipient.

For information of supply of oxygen,

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